Pulpit Ministry

Reverend Reginald Thomas, Pastor. Newark native, went to 15th Avenue school for Kindergarten and first grade. God has brought him full circle in the community to lead Greater Harvest. Pastor Thomas is a Bible based leader, with a strong sense of family, and teaches love and compassion to all people. Pastor Thomas believes in the power of prayer, and often quotes the scripture “the prayers of the righteous availeth much”. The philosophy of worship, and high praise that is stressed at the Harvest is the key to the blessings of the Lord being manifested in the lives of the believers and members of Greater Harvest. Pastor Thomas teaches Bible Study, (Wednesday night @7pm) and Sunday School (Sunday @9am) as well as preaching a sermon for the Thursday Hour of Power (12 noon).

Dr. Emanuel-Thomas is the author of “What Kind of Woman Am I?” A 30 day Guide to Becoming an Even Better Woman. This guide encourages everyone, especially women, to become even better than we are now, and challenges us to be a force that will leave a long lasting positive impact on this world.

She is a Licensed Evangelist and works diligently alongside her husband, Rev. Reginald Thomas who is the Pastor of Greater Harvest Baptist Church, in Newark NJ. There she oversees the Women’s Ministry, is part of the Praise and Worship team, sings in the Inspirational Choir, and assists with the Youth Ministry.

She is the founder of Successful Girls, Inc. a non-profit organization that empowers, encourages, inspires, challenges and supports the hopes and dreams of young girls, and helps them realize their potential to become successful women. Annually SGI awards scholarships to deserving high-school female seniors who have demonstrated the core values of the SGI mission.

The First Lady is a previous member of the Hillside Board of Education where she was elected to a 3 year term. She is the treasurer of the local chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Alpha Omega Chapter. She is a proud graduate of Norfolk State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. She went on to earn a Masters in Business Administration, a Master of Arts in Theological Studies, a Doctorate in Religious Education and a Certification in Public Administration.

She is a blessed wife, a proud mother to two amazing children, and a step mom to three adult children, that she affectionally calls her bonus children. She is employed as a Principal Accountant with New Jersey Transit. Her desire is to travel the world empowering and encouraging everyone she meets.



Dr. Selena Stephenson,


Evangelist Evon Garvin